
You can change not only the change itself

Inspirational books on the market a lot, but can really make you feel rarely felt in the book, most of the success stories on the description or slogan-like indoctrination and inadequate. However, "when everything changes, everything changes," it is definitely worth a read inspirational books, more precisely speaking, this is not a simple inspirational book, but on philosophy, life and faith in-depth dialogue, the author claims to be a guiding tool life. When you finish this book, you will find this is not an exaggeration.

The author is American Neil • Donald • Walsh, he was a radio anchor, reporter and editor of the newspaper, and founded his own public relations and marketing firm. But just as business was flourishing, a sudden accident and failed marriage that he fell to the bottom of life, forced to the streets to beg for a living. He eventually reclaim the life and re-established their own careers and families. Painful ups and downs of life led him to begin a dialogue with the inner, then have a best-selling book "Conversations with God" series, and "when everything changes, everything changes" is the latest summary and Donald sentiment.

Donald has taken through the induction of the dialogue through written a book, so there may be some who think that language is too wordy, can in this way is an opportunity for you and the depth of the best ways to communicate, you feel that he was sitting across from you, you casually sipping tea, and slowly more and more in-depth exploration of the meaning of life and attitude towards change should be held.

In the book of life is given to change or cope with catastrophic changes can then use the 9 Dafa:

Rule 1: to lay down their "own face", to be supported than the more beneficial for you alone

Rule 2: Select how to re-experience the emotions

Rule 3: out of the trap idea

Rule 4: away from the truth of Imagination

Rule 5: Do not resist, change is not a bad thing

Rule 6: Keep in mind that all of the changes are better for you

Rule 7: Let the soul to participate in future change

Law 8: understand your physical body, mind, soul, three comprehensive, and even more

Rule 9: The greater the source of life and maintain the link

People to encounter the reality of divided into three levels of truth, a truth of the imagination, one is show the truth, there is a truth that is real is the ultimate truth. The others are from the soul, mind and body composition of the Trinity's life. When you encounter a difficult or dramatic changes when your mind is often the life experience and use of existing data, to generate negative emotions, ultimately only you think you face the truth. The real truth is not so bad as you might think, of the church you want to, is to use your soul to direct your mind in a different way, letting you clearly show the truth, and ultimately to achieve a practical the truth. In this way, you will find, in fact, change is not a bad thing, change your life in order to better adaptive evolutionary process, when you realize this, you will find that you are standing on to embrace a new starting point for future .

If only from the perspective of mental models, or to talk about spiritual life should change this topic, obviously a bit breaks against the weak. But when you stand on such profound philosophical and cosmic level to look at this topic, then it can easily enter deep exploration and research. In the book, the second half, through the introduction of the soul, make you a more deeper level of human understanding is in fact "God" as part of any life and "God" are one of this and of all Buddhism is the Buddha views coincide. God here not only refers to the personification of God in Christianity, but to the operating mechanism of the universe. When you realize that you are all through the life experience to shape the unique you, you will reveal all the mysteries of life. To change the current going through the change of experience, this life or that life is for you to open a different window, because you are creating your own life, which is "How do you determine how you experience now and create the future "The true meaning.

Donald reader here, not just the face of the church and, more importantly, he built you a broad space, in this space can accommodate the relationship between God and man, the unity of soul and body so interesting topics , but can accommodate the nature of human life and explore their own, and all this is actually you and your own dialogue. From this point, you can change not only the change itself, or even God, because you are "God" part!

