
Blue-Ray to XviD Converter

Incredibly easy-to-use for both novices and professionals, Blue-Ray to XviD Converter has all the capabilities to give you a product of convert Blue-Ray DVD to XviD with outstanding quality.

Do you want to convert blue-ray dvd to xvid? Blue-Ray to XviD Converter is a very blue-ray dvd to xvid converting software, which can help to convert blue-ray dvd to xvid with exceptional output quality and super high speed.

Blue-Ray to XVID Converter is an ideal and powerful blue-ray dvd to xvid converting software. No matter you are a professional or not, you can master it very soon.

Apart from blue-ray dvd to xvid , Blue-Ray to XVID Converter can also support other popular formats, such as MPEG,MP4,WMV,MKV,etc. Converting blue-ray dvd to xvid is simple to use. You can download Blue-Ray to XVID Converter to have a try!

How to convert Blue-Ray DVD to XVID in details:

1. Download blue-ray dvd to xvid software, install and launch it, see the screen like above.

2.Click button on the toolbar to add Blue Ray dvd.

3. Click "Format" button to choose an output format. Then select a folder in your PC to save the export file.

Note: Advanced settings are available for you by clicking the icon "Settings" in the picture above, in which you can adjust the value of video bitrate, frame rate, video size, audio bitrate, audio channels, ect.

4. Crop video, Trim video, add watermark, effect video, etc.

5.I think you must have done the last steps correctly, now you are supported to click "converter-blu-ray-to-xvid" button to start converting.

Ok, the whole process is finished.Don't hesitate, try Blue-Ray to XVID Converter right now!!!

